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Bifidobacterium Infantis | Clear Probiotics

Bifidobacterium Infantis

Feb 08, 2022

The Health  Benefits of Bifidobacterium Infantis 

Bifidobacterium Infantis or B. Infantis is a gut-friendly lactic acid bacteria crucial to keeping adults’ digestive systems healthy. Evidence suggests that Bifidobacterium Infantis is beneficial in helping treat a variety of health conditions. As we age, the amount of B. Infantis diminishes but our body’s need for it does not [1].

The scientific and Latin name of this highly-specialized microbe is Bifidobacterium Infantis. B. Infantis is another way to represent this bacteria. Unlike other beneficial bacteria, B. Infantis is passed from mother to infant during childbirth and helps break down complex carbohydrates during digestion. [2].

The Clear Story of Bifidobacterium Infantis

Henry Tissier, a French pediatrician at Pasteur Institute, identified the Genus Bifidobacterium (B. breve, B. infantis, B. longum) in 1899. He isolated the group in the stool of a breastfed infant. Infant gut flora is almost 90% bifidobacterium, while adults have an average of about 5%. A significant reduction of B. Infantis in babies and adults leads to chronic diseases, autoimmune disorders, allergies, obesity and asthma [3].

Several strains of Bifidobacterium, including B. Infantis, have been heavily studied over the years due to their ability to produce vitamin folate. This new information may lead to another way to utilize the superpowers of probiotics. Increasing folate adds protection against inflammation and cancer. Adding a folate-producing probiotic also prevents a folate deficiency that could eventually lead to precancerous changes in the gut [4].

Folate is recommended for patients with inflammatory bowel disease because it helps minimize cell replacement in the bowel. A healthy colon can produce essential vitamins that may be easier to absorb than dietary vitamins. The human gut microbiota is a source of vitamin K and most water-soluble B vitamins like biotin, riboflavin, thiamine, folates, B12 and pantothenic acid. More in-depth studies are needed to understand better how Bifidobacteria synthesize and secrete vitamins. [4].

Benefits of Bifidobacterium Infantis

Maintaining a high B. Infantis count supports a healthy immune system and aids in controlling intestinal pH levels, which reduces inflammation. It also prevents an overgrowth of harmful bacteria [5]. Probiotics like B. Infantis have an anti-inflammatory effect on obesity, IBD, IBS, autism, Parkinson's Disease and more like Celiac Disease. Celiac is an autoimmune disorder that usually relies on a gluten-free diet to keep inflammation, pain and diarrhea in check. The use of probiotics in CeD patients can help reduce the body's immune response to gluten and restore healthy gut flora. A probiotic supplement can help control the immune response and reduce intestinal inflammation [6].  

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent GI disorder that mainly affects adults. Symptoms of IBS like stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, difficult bowel movements, bloating and inflammation affect the gut motility and the gut-brain connection. Bifidobacterium Infantis is just one of the suggested probiotics that are beneficial in helping patients that suffer daily from IBS symptoms. [6]. 

In Western society, obesity is an epidemic that, left unchecked, can lead to many chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis. Some experts believe that Bifidobacterium, including B. Infantis, can help prevent obesity in animals and humans. Probiotics can control the health of the gut flora, helping to stabilize the body's metabolism, possibly offering at least one way to help obese people [6]. 

Research has shown that B. Infantis may also help reduce inflammation in people who have Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Psoriasis, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics confirmed that Bifidobacterium Infantis reduces stomach pain, gas and bloating in patients with gastrointestinal disorders [1]. 

How is Bifidobacterium Infantis Used?

Many factors can contribute to the low numbers of Bifidobacterium Infantis in adults. As humans age, the good bacteria in the GI tract typically declines due to stress, antibiotics, poor eating and health issues. The good news is taking a quality live probiotic can help restore the population of good bacteria, including B. Infantis. Adding Bifidobacterium Infantis to your daily routine helps reduce inflammation caused by autoimmune disorders or gastrointestinal issues [1].

Bifidobacterium Infantis is readily available in many fermented foods such as:

  • Yogurt
  • Milk products
  • Fruit juices
  • Soy products
  • Green tea
  • Red wine
  • Cocoa
  • Liquid probiotic
  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Powders
  • Whole grains
  • Fermented products

Choosing to maintain an anti-inflammatory lifestyle includes healthy eating, exercising and getting a good night's rest. Taking a probiotic supplement containing Bifidobacterium Infantis provides benefits such as inflammation reduction associated with arthritis, inflammatory bowel syndrome and other intestinal and autoimmune disorders. 

Why Clear Probiotics Utilizes Bifidobacterium Infantis 

Adding a high-quality anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing supplement as part of your daily routine supports healthy immunity and helps regulate cytokine levels. Clear Probiotics chooses to include B. Infantis in the Clear Inflammatory Response supplement because of its history of supporting healthy digestion, reducing inflammation and helping to create a robust immune system. Other health benefits associated with Bifidobacterium Infantis include minimizing chronic diarrhea and balancing the gut microbiota.

The Science of Bifidobacterium Infantis / The Research Behind B. Infantis 

Getting Better with Bifidobacteria - Journal of Applied Microbiology

Learn about the increased interest in Bifidobacterium from the commercial industry and treat various health issues. This journal article includes detailed explanations about how these probiotics help improve multiple health issues.

Review article: bifidobacteria as probiotic agents – physiological effects and clinical benefits

This informative article discusses the physiological and clinical benefits of Bifidobacteria. It references several studies on humans and animals regarding Bifidobacteria being used for disease prevention and improving digestive health.

Oral Feeding of Probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis: Colonic Morphological Changes in Rat Model of TNBS-Induced Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease studied to confirm that B. Infantis and other probiotics can reduce inflammation and relapses. Changing the gut flora may prevent and treat IBDs.

University of California Davis Researchers Discover Infant Microbiomes Lack B. Infantis in Developed Nations

This study focuses on the effects of infants born in developed countries that lack B. Infantis and no longer have the bacteria that crowds out harmful pathogens. This article discusses the profound health implications due to missing crucial microbes.


  1. Kelli Hansen, RN, CMCN, CSA, CDP. How to Use the Probiotic Bifidobacterium Infantis. Healthline. [Internet] September 2018. Accessed January 20, 2022: 
  2. Milani, Christian & Lugli, Gabriele Andrea & Duranti, Sabrina & Turroni, Francesca & Mancabelli, Leonardo & Ferrario, Chiara & Mangifesta, Marta & Hevia, Arancha & Viappiani, Alice & Scholz, Matthias & Arioli, Stefania & Sánchez, Borja & Lane, Jonathan & Ward, Doyle & Hickey, Rita & Mora, Diego & Segata, Nicola & Margolles, Abelardo & Van Sinderen, Douwe & Ventura, Marco. (2015). Bifidobacteria exhibit social behavior through carbohydrate resource sharing in the gut. Scientific Reports. 5. 15782. 10.1038/srep15782. Accessed January 20, 2022: 
  3. Chichlowski, M., Shah, N., Wampler, J. L., Wu, S. S., & Vanderhoof, J. A. (2020). Bifidobacterium longum Subspecies infantis (B. infantis) in Pediatric Nutrition: Current State of Knowledge. Nutrients, 12(6), 1581. 
  4. Rossi, M., Amaretti, A., & Raimondi, S. (2011). Folate production by probiotic bacteria. Nutrients, 3(1), 118–134. Accessed January 20, 2022: 
  5. Jvo Siegrist. Probiotics in the Food Industry. Microbiology Focus Edition 2.3. Millipore Sigma. [Internet] Accessed January 20, 2022: 
  6. Cristofori Fernanda, Dargenio Vanessa Nadia, Dargenio Costantino, Miniello Vito Leonardo, Barone Michele, Francavilla Ruggiero. Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Effects of Probiotics in Gut Inflammation: A Door to the Body. Frontiers in Immunology. Vol. 12. [Internet] 2021. DOI=10.3389/fimmu.2021.578386. ISSN=1664-3224. Accessed January 20, 2022:

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Clear products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website does not offer medical advice.